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Windsor REI Social


What Is Windsor REI Social?

Windsor Real Estate Investors (REI) Social is the largest monthly real estate networking event in the city.

I started the event in early 2022 with the intention of meeting and connecting people in the real estate community.

In addition to bringing together Windsor’s investing community, it has become a platform for industry stalwarts like Seth Ferguson, Dylan Suitor, Kyle McDonald and others to share their experiences and insights.


Who is it for?

The event is ideal for both new and experienced real estate investors.


Is it a formal event?

Not at all. We look at the event as a fun-filled night with great wine, networking, and learning. There’s also no dress code!


How much does it cost to attend?

We typically charge around 25 CAD for the event. However, we encourage you to go through the event details to know the exact cost of the one you’re looking to attend.

Most importantly, the ticket price includes the cost for the best pizza in Windsor and all ticket proceeds are sent to CMHA charity.


Where can I book?

The ticket bookings are handled by Eventbrite. You can follow us there to learn about upcoming events.

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What Is Windsor REI Social?

Windsor Real Estate Investors (REI) Social is the largest monthly real estate networking event in the city.

I started the event in early 2022 with the intention of meeting and connecting people in the real estate community.

In addition to bringing together Windsor’s investing community, it has become a platform for industry stalwarts like Seth Ferguson, Dylan Suitor, Kyle McDonald and others to share their experiences and insights.

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Who is it for?

The event is ideal for both new and experienced real estate investors.


Is it a formal event?

Not at all. We look at the event as a fun-filled night with great wine, networking, and learning. There’s also no dress code!

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Where can I book?

The ticket bookings are handled by Eventbrite. You can follow us there to learn about upcoming events.

“Real Estate is all about networking and connecting people. It’s why I’m committed to making REI Social even bigger and educating folks through my social media handles.”

– Milena Simsic

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Notify me about upcoming events

We post about all our events on Eventbrite. If you don’t want to miss out on any of our upcoming events, you can follow me on Eventbrite by clicking the button below.